Commands Callable by Plugins

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This function can be invoked by a plugin on the FARR host:





IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the command you will use from your plugin to do all kinds of things like display html, etc. by using the Special/Virtual Alias Strings.


















·window.richeditheight, HEIGHTOFWINDOW


·window.richeditwidth, WIDTHOFWINDOW


·setshowallmode - tells farr to display ALL results returned by the plugin






·clipboard - set internal clipboard text (referred to by $$c or %cliptext%)


·PasteClipboardToLastActiveWindow,[TEXTTOSET] - paste the current clipboard text to the last active program (if value passed is not "" then clipboard will first be set to value).


·DisplayAlertMessage, TEXTTOSHOWINALERT (use \n to separate lines with first line being title) - this shows a non-modal alert box in lower right of screen that will fade away.


·DisplayAlertMessageNoTimeout, TEXTTOSHOWINALERT (use \n to separate lines with first line being title) - this shows a non-modal alert box in lower right of screen that will NOT fade away (requires user click).


·DisplayBalloonMessage, TEXTTOSHOWINBALLOON (use \n to separate lines with first line being title) - this shows a non-modal system tray balloon message above FARR icon.


·EmbeddedWb.ExecJavascript, JAVASCRIPT CALL TO MAKE - executes some javascript on the loaded page
·(this tries to call back the plugin function set_strvalue("ExecJavascriptResult",returnvaluestring);


·DockUserView.ByHandle, POINTERTOWINDOWHANDLE - tells FARR to capture the window handle passed and take over as its parent.  Your plugin then needs to call "launch","setviewmode user" to display the newly docked window.  It is safe to call this multiple times, only the first time will it be acted upon.


·UndockUserView - tells FARR to undock the docked window and release it with no parent.